Thursday, February 12, 2009


Women on the Web has come up with a list of 15 Over-40 Female Fashion Leaders of 2008. Madge made the list sporting this fashionable sod green circa Flintstones dress?  Hmmm...I'm all for different, but c'mon me thinks she looks a bit ridiculous at age 49 or 50 (depending on when this picture was taken) in this garb.  Fashion leader? or Fashion flop?    

What do you think?


  1. I give her points for the gams but the dress is a big ole don't (unless you're trying to attract goats).

  2. You know those rolls of sod (grass)? It looks like someone unrolled one on her!

  3. Hate it (snap, snap). A 20 year-old would look ridiculous in that. She's got great arms and legs though.

  4. Great legs---but ummmmm, that outfit looks like the XX chromosone version of Peter Pan.
