Wednesday, January 21, 2009

New Hair Wonders???


Why when we get older does hair start to grow from places where there never where any before?

Yes, I'm asking from personal experience and I must say...$%&@, it is bothering!  Waxing, plucking and shaving places that I didn't think women had to do so.  


  1. I have four chin hairs that just insist on growing back every time I pluck them. Hate it, hate it, hate it.

  2. Got my lip waxed for the first time last week. Ouch!

  3. Agreed.

    Mind you, I have neglected pruning my legs for WEEKS now. They are truly disgusting. If, heaven forbid, I should end up in an ER with a cute Doctor, I'm screwed... and not literally, either.

  4. 6 months from 40 and the hair is coming fast and furious. UGH! Love your blog.

  5. i have a pair of AWESOME tweezers in my car. When I drive to my parents' (a 5 hour drive), I arrive with the smoothest of smooth faces. However, I feel for those drivers who pass me and see me plucking my chin hairs. It's become such a habit now.. plucking while driving.

  6. I think that every woman who turns 40, and surely 45, must get a 10X magnification mirror. It's a bit of a horror, but a must!! scary isn't it? M

  7. I wax my lip and brows monthly.

    As for the legs, my husband called me "Gentle Ben" last week...Now if I could just transfer that hair to the top of his head!
