Monday, March 9, 2009

Open Thread

I've been writing for a couple of months now, learning what I do best and what my thousands of (yea, right) few readers enjoy.  While this blog is as much about my evolution it is also about you.  It is about us and our wonderful journey to a turning point in our lives...the big 4-0.  The rageous years.  

With that said, I would like to know what would you like to see more of, less of, none of?  I'll do my best to create posts within those requests but you know me...I'll do what I want in the end.  :-)  Isn't getting older great!  You can say and do what you want and not really care what the heck any one else thinks.  Ok, ok, ok...I care...a little.  SMOOCHES! 

P.S.  How do you like my new photo?  It was from Inauguration weekend.  



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I just noticed the new photo - hot glam!

    Here are my two cents -

    Less celebrities as role models - more non-celebrity women who have achieved and are doing amazing things sans the focus on appearance.

    Attending to our appearance is important as a part of feeling good about one's self; but I think building character and becoming a woman of substance is what aging is about. I always think of Maya Angelou as the living example of the woman I want to be. She is so eloquent, wise, and full of grace - always in control of herself. She is a woman who has arrived. I just love her.

    I love to come to this blog for inspiration. In fact, I love your "rockin' 40" list so much I decided to make one similar - living out my dreams. Additionally, I made a list of all the things I have achieved to show myself that I have lived!

    Thank you Tami - your one awesome lady. I love your spirit and your gift of telling it like it is!

  3. Hey Nancy! Thanks for your two cents. (I'm all wrong today on this blog at 1:30) I will remember what you said as I move forward. Apparently no one else cares so I'll just write for the two of us! LOL

    I would also love to see your lists. It's fun isn't it?
